The following are publications, presentations and media reports related to the work of faculty and staff in the Writing & Multiliteracy Center.
PUBLICATIONS (2021 to present)
Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Sohui Lee, and Julie Prebel, editors. Disruptive Stories: Amplifying Voices from Writing Center Margins. Under review at University Press of Colorado.
Sohui Lee and Russell Carpenter. Design for Composition: Creative Projects for Inspired Visual and Multimodal Arguments. Parlor Press, Forthcoming Fall 2023.
Julia Bleakney, Mark Hall, Kelsey Hixson-Bowles, Sohui Lee, and Nathalie Singh-Concoran. “Timely, Relevant, Practical: A Study of Writing Center Summer Institute Perceptions of Value and Benefits.” Writing Center Journal. Vol. 42, No 1., Fall 2023.
Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Sohui Lee, and Julie Prebel. “Whose Voices Are Heard? A Demographic Comparison of Authors Published in WLN, 2005-2017. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, vol. 45, no. 7-8. March/April 2021.
Sohui Lee, Julie Prebel, and Elizabeth Kleinfeld. “Insights from the Margins: Whose Voices and Whose Stories are Included in Writing Center Scholarship.” International Writing Center Association. Vancouver, BC. October 26-28, 2022.
Sohui Lee and Cristal Gamez. “Multimodal Asynchronous Tutoring.” Ideas Exchange Presentation. International Writing Center Association. Vancouver, BC. October 26-28, 2022.
Sohui Lee and Abigail Michelini. “Asynchronous Tutoring Using VoiceThread Feedback: Exploring the Equity of Integrating Multimodal Communication in Asynchronous Tutoring.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 9-12, 2022. Chicago, Illinois.
Sohui Lee, Julie Prebel, and Elizabeth Kleinfeld. “Rethinking Publishing in Writing Center Studies: Imagining an Anti-Racist, Decolonial, Anti-Ableist Publishing Model.” International Writing Center Association. Virtual Conference. October 20-23, 2021.
- Daniel Lenz quoted in Isaiah Murtaugh, "AI is 'Here to stay," VC Star, April 3, 2023.
- Sohui Lee quoted in Destiny Caster and Emily Chang, "Students size the data with Plot-A-Thon." The CI View, March 11, 2023.
- "CSUCI students use data visualization skills to compete in annual Plot-A-Thon and win prizes. News Center, CSU Channel Islands, February 2, 2023.
- "CSUCI's inaugural 2021 Plot-A-Thon Data Visualization Festival equips students to join data gold rush." News Center, CSU Channel Islands, March 8, 2021.
- $60,000 External Gift for Plot-A-Thon Data Visualization Festival and Activities. Awarded by The Trade Desk, Spring 2023
- $719,322 (over five years). Part of total grant $5M. HSI STEM Grant, US Department of Education. WMC STEM Writing Initiative as part of Project AYUDAS (Articulating Your Undergraduate Degree & Academic Success in STEM). October 2021 to June 2026. Awarded October 2021.
- $639,900 (over three years). Part of a total gift, $1.2M. Expanding and Enhancing Peer to Peer Support (EEPPS). Writing & Multiliteracy Center embedded tutor program for first year writing.