Getting Started

Resume Handbook. Career Development & Alumni Engagement

Based on where you are in your resume/cover letter journey, select one of the links below:

For additional assistance, Schedule an Appointment with a Career Counselor or contact us at

Step 1: Video

If you haven't create a resume or cover letter, or want an overview, watch our quick video to introduce you to the resume-building process. If you have already created a resume/cover letter, go to Step 2.
How to Create a Strong Resume and Cover Letter

Step 2: Choose a Template or Format

Step 3: Resume Handbook

Our comprehensive Resume Handbook is useful guide for creating or updating resumes, cover letters, references, and thank you notes. This guide will help you highlight your relevant skills, work experience, educational background that motivates employers to invite you to an interview.

"The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), through a task force of college career development services and HR/staffing professionals, has developed a definition and identified eight competencies associated with career readiness.Career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace." (NACE, 2015)

Our Resume Handbook has templates and guides for:

Step 4: Tailoring

  • Review the position description (PD) of the opportunity you are applying for
    • Highlight the education, skills, and/or experiences required
    • Underline the education, skills, and/or experiences that you current have
    • See example: Prepare to Tailor Your Resume
  • On your resume, update your action verbs and bullet points to reflect similar wording as the PD if you have those experiences 
    • You want to make it easier for the employer to see that you have the experiences to fill the role. Using similar wording
    • Also do this with your cover letter!
  • Get feedback on your resume and cover letter by uploading it Handshake so one of our team members can provide brief feedback

Templates & Samples

Resume Samples

Resume Samples By Major

Cover Letter Samples

Can your resume beat AI? Upload your resume to Quinncia for resume enhancements and tailored mock interviews tool.

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